When can I shoot fireworks in Georgia?

COLUMBUS, Georgia (WRBL) – Are you planning to shoot some fireworks to celebrate July 4th?

It’s legal in Georgia, but it’s also important to know when and where it’s legal.

This is what the state says:

It was not always legal to shoot fireworks in Georgia

Before July 1, 2018, Georgians could only enjoy fireworks at large, organized celebrations – Independence Day, New Year, and the like.

Then, in 2005, Georgia relaxed laws to allow “novel” fireworks such as sparklers to be sold.

But if you wanted to buy and go yourself, you had to visit other states.

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What is legal

According to the state of Georgia, you can legally use fireworks any day of the week between 10 a.m. and 11:59 p.m.

The municipalities can limit these times with a general noise ordinance. However, there are some public holidays when fireworks are allowed to be fired until 11:59 p.m., regardless of local regulations:

  • Memorial Day (the last Saturday and Sunday of May, however not on Monday of Memorial Day)
  • Independence Day (July 3rd and 4th)
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September)
  • New Year’s Eve (December 31st to January 1st at 01:00 a.m.)

Regardless of your general noise ordinance, Georgia allows you to shoot fireworks through midnight on July 3rd and 4th.

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What’s not legal?

While it is important to know what you are can Often it is more important to know what to do tilt to do. Here are the legal restrictions on the use of fireworks in Georgia.

According to the state’s website, it is illegal to use fireworks within 100 meters of any of these locations:

  • Electrical system
  • Water treatment plant
  • Water treatment plant
  • Gas station
  • refinery
  • Substation
  • Jail or jail
  • Helipad
  • hospital
  • Nursing home
  • Other health facility

It is also illegal to use fireworks on state property, including parks, historic sites, and recreational areas.

Georgian law also prohibits a person from using fireworks while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If you live in or attend a private community on July 4th, it is a good idea to check with the community before shooting any fireworks. Private communities can set their own rules for using fireworks.