Turley: Georgia Voter Teams “Undermining the Essence of Democracy” with “Unsuitable Votes” |  Video

Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University Law School, talks about a political group called America Votes, which sends postal ballots to people who have not voted since 1994, and Operation New Voter Registration Georgia, which encourages college students to do so to temporarily relocate to the state in order to be able to vote in the upcoming Senate runoff elections.

“It also happens to be a crime,” Turley told FOX News Monday. “It is breathtaking that many of these groups have this rally to protect democracy and all votes should be counted, and yet they are actively undermining the very essence of democracy.”

“You’re trying to get the wrong votes, wrong voters,” Turley went on, “and you saw the New York Times columnist say people should go to Georgia to vote. All of this is just cut off from the narrative . It. ” is not separate from the Criminal Code. This would be a matter of Georgian criminal law. And it is clear that officials are ready to prosecute people. “

“I’m particularly concerned about students who are encouraged to take these steps. They shouldn’t put themselves in a precarious position,” Turley told FNC’s Martha MacCallum.