The Georgia couple provides start to the smallest ‘miracle’ child ever at a Tennessee hospital, weighing lower than 1 pound

The prayers for divine intervention began right here in Wheeling. That’s why the Harveys tell 7NEWS their little warrior is still alive.

WHEELING, WV & CHATTANOOGA, TN (WTRF) – Born 13 weeks premature, baby Levi was born at 0.6 pounds, the smallest baby ever admitted to the NICU at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee .

Levi James Harvey was born via emergency c-section. At 25 weeks, doctors discovered that his mother’s amniotic fluid was low.

Damon, a former Linsly music teacher, and Rachel Harvey left their new home in Georgia and were placed in the Chattanooga High-Risk Pregnancy Unit. There she anxiously wrote the name of her baby on Facebook for the first time. It was the first of many posts asking her Wheeling friends to pray for God’s intervention.”

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Its name means harmonious. And we prayed that it would work harmoniously with my placenta, which wasn’t working as it should,” Rachel said.

Two weeks had been bought and the time had come. Doctors told Rachel that Levi’s survivability required him to weigh one pound/450 grams.

“And when they delivered it, they were shocked,” Rachel said. “It only weighed 290 grams, which is about 10 ounces, which is about 0.6 pounds.”

His gestational growth was only about 21 weeks. This is the smallest that has ever existed in the Erlangen hospital.

“I remember one of the first days when the doctors told me there were like a million boxes that we didn’t know Levi could check off, and right now he’s checking them all off,” Damon said.

In his short journey so far, Levi has overcome what some would consider the impossible. His parents call them miracles.

According to theologians, a miracle is an event that defies natural law and is directed by God.

“His oxygen requirement went from 30 percent to 100 percent. And the only thing that changed was that I prayed for him and laid my hands on him and prayed in Jesus name. And his oxygen requirements went down to 30 percent,” Rachel said.

All of this raises a very difficult question: Why Levi? Why now? Why this hard, hard fight?

“I think one of the promises we have is that all of this would happen so that God’s work could be seen in his life,” Damon said.

And not to mention that Dean, 3, has yet to meet his little brother.

“Scripture that says, ‘How good it is when brothers live in unity,'” Damon said. “And we know Dean is so excited to be a big brother. And we’re like; They cannot live together in unity unless Levi comes home. So he comes home.”

The Harveys have nothing but full hearts. They are thankful for the huge team at the hospital and even for the praying strangers in churches they don’t know.

The next big hurdle will be the lungs as doctors attempt to remove Levi’s breathing tube.

The Harveys only ask one thing: Pray, pray for the lungs to grow.

“I’m a big brother, Dad,” Dean said.

Levi has spent more than 80 days out of the womb and every day is another day, say the Harveys: glory to God.

There is a GoFundMe for the Harveys as they continue to collect hospital bills and living expenses. If you want to help, go here.