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A “remarkable step”: the Minneapolis police chief expects to testify against Derek Chauvin

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo is expected to take a stand today as the testimony in the Derek Chauvin Trial continues for a second week. Why It Matters: The city’s chief cop will tell the jury that Chauvin’s “conduct was incompatible with MPD” training and guidelines, as per Special Attorney Jerry Blackwell’s opening statement. Stay up to date with the latest market trends and economic insights with Axios Markets. Subscribe for Free “He’s not going to crush any words. He’s very clear. He’s going to be very determined that this was excessive violence.” Flashback: Arradondo, who fired all four officers involved in George Floyd’s murder last summer, previously characterized Chauvin’s actions as “murder.” there. This was murder – it wasn’t a lack of training. ”Between the lines: It is rare for a boss to testify against an officer, notes The Guardian. One expert called the decision “a pretty remarkable move”. Noteworthy: Arradondo also testified in the 2019 trial of former officer Mohamed Noor. He was deputy boss when Noor fatally shot and killed Justine Ruszczyk in South Minneapolis. The timing: Judge Peter Cahill told the court reporter that Arradondo will likely testify today, but that could change. An MPD spokesman told us that the boss was on standby in view of the “fluctuating cadence of the process”. This story first appeared in the Axios Twin Cities newsletter, which is designed to help readers get smarter and faster about the most important news in their own garden. Sign up here. More from Axios: Subscribe to receive the latest market trends at Axios Markets. Subscribe for free