First, in response to Captain H. Firth II’s letter, I’m wondering why does he need to mention his rank? Does that mean you’re used to people snapping when they speak?
So does this mean that Bill and Hillary, who have been killed and recently executed in an incredible number of people in Arkansas, Ruby Ridge, Waco, DC, are not above the law? Or delete evidence and destroy computers?
Or Hunter and Joe and their “family business” that sold what? Or Obama and his manipulated “birth certificate”. He is now serving his third term, which has required Trump to be “defeated” in one way or another. Are they also qualified?
So all the Trump ballots found in the dumpsters, a video of closed polling stations with Democrats taking out hidden boxes of ballots, Trump with 750,000 ballots in Pennsylvania and suddenly the count stops for four days and three other states are doing this Same at the same time, and you did it with the unmitigated impertinence of lecturing: “No one is above the law?”
Of course, the letter is preposterous to anyone who follows your fellow holy students’ blatant violations of our Constitution, but it is an outrageous impudence to think us so stupid. It’s legal to question elections, just ask Hillary and Al.
And now Gretchen Martin’s letter is filled with self-righteous wisdom. So, as standard-bearer of the MGB/GT+1 community (yes, I know), did you happen to remember, or did you remember as quickly as, the stable “transgender” who shot several children at school the media?
Are we not fortunate that when God makes a “mistake” there are so many gifted people who can “fix” his mistakes – and other “special” people who can proclaim it?