Soldier charged with killing lady on Georgia freeway

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Soldier charged with killing lady on Georgia freeway

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Soldier charged with killing lady on Georgia freeway

Soldier charged with killing woman on Georgia Highway Loading article …

Last updated October 8, 2021 at 3:39 PM ADT

LAGRANGE, Georgia (AP) – A soldier stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina is charged with murder following the death of his girlfriend, whose car was found with bullet holes on a Georgia freeway.

Georgian authorities announced on Friday that Alonzo Dargan Jr. is accused of killing Akeila Ware. She was pregnant then.

She was shot dead Tuesday while driving her car in Troup County, southwest of Atlanta, Troup County Sheriff officials said.

Dargan drove a separate car and pulled Ware off the road as he fired the fatal shots, investigators said. Officials found the woman unconscious in the car after responding to reports of a wreck.

At a news conference on Friday, investigators said Dargan was from Georgia and in a long-distance relationship with Ware while he was stationed in North Carolina. The two went to school together in Georgia when they were young, reported WRAL-TV.

The Associated Press

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