As early as the 1940s, the science fiction author Isaac Asimov started to create an ethics system for robots and people to coexist together and developed three laws of robotics:
- A robot cannot hurt a person or allow a person to harm a person through inactivity.
- A robot must follow the commands granted by humans, except if such orders are conflict with the first law.
- A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not contradict the first or second law.
For the author “I, robot”, artificial intelligence was a distant imagination, but next month the legislators in Georgia will have the task of putting laws in the books in order to lead human AI interactions in the real world will probably be considered more than just three laws. The state's senators gave an insight into their intentions on Tuesday and approved an 185-page report, which contains recommendations for the next meeting, which is to begin on January 13th.
The Republican Senator of Roswell, John Albers, Chairman of the Study Committee of the Senate for Artificial Secret Services, signed the report after a unanimous vote. A house committee will publish its own report later this month.
“The report you see has many different action articles,” he said. “They do not ask for a specific invoice at this point, but they can definitely see it, and this will be done in a variety of species. Some of them are things like data protection and protection that we have worked on in the past. Some things would be things like deep counterfeits that we have worked on in the past. Other things from the governor's office could take part in edicts in which he and his employees want to do certain things for certain agencies. “
The report calls for every state agency as well as all 538 Georgia cities, 159 counties and 181 school systems to pursue their AI use and monitoring for security and efficiency. It also calls for the creation of a new state board member for artificial intelligence.
Albers and other Republicans in the committee emphasized that their intention is to deliver the new technology while they do not suffocate innovations.
“If we approach such things, we are not approaching this with a regulatory way of thinking,” said the Republican Senator of ACWorth, Ed Steckler, the chairman of the Senate Science and Technology Committee. “We are approaching this as one thing that the government can sometimes do best if it does least so that we do not start with a frame that this is something we have to regulate.”
Several industries could expect targeted AI advantages. The report requires extended incentives for entertainment projects in Georgia, which include “AI innovation” in order to keep Georgia's film and entertainment creator from moving their operations overseas.
The legislator could create a subsidy program for small farmers in order to insert the AI technology that enable an insight into the ground conditions and predictive knowledge for harvest yields, but can be too cost-intensive for mom and pop farms.
“Many of us saw films years ago and we think of” 2001: A Space Odyssey “or” Terminator “,” said Albers. “All of these different films that have embedded these things in our head. And although there is really a healthy fear, we should make sure that we work to bring in these guidelines. “
They enable our work.