Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said on Friday: “Thanks to the government’s pragmatic foreign policy, Georgia has recorded sustained economic growth over the last decade” and “has recorded double-digit economic growth with a GDP growth rate of over 30% for two consecutive years.” 10 percent in 2021 and 2022.”
In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Garibashvili noted that there is a “positive growth trend.” [of the last two years] has continued in 2023 with an average economic growth of seven percent.”
A significant increase in GDP per capita is one of the most significant achievements of my government. Since 2012, GDP per capita has almost doubled. “We expect this positive trend to continue,” the prime minister said, adding that “the country’s official foreign reserves reached a historic high in July 2023, representing growth of almost 90 percent compared to 2012.” .
Georgia is the top-ranked country in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions in terms of rule of law in the World Justice Project’s 2022 Rule of Law Index, Garibashvili noted, adding that the country “is among the 15 countries with the highest freedom.” Economies,” according to the Fraser Institute report – Economic Freedom of the World 2022, with the Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom 2023 ranking Georgia 21st in Europe, ahead of 11 EU member states.
The head of government said unemployment and poverty rates were also “at historic lows”, adding that Georgia was ranked 18th in the world and 8th in Europe as one of the safest countries in the world.
He also highlighted Georgia’s development strategy – Vision 2030 – adopted last year as the country’s first long-term policy framework, outlining a comprehensive set of reforms covering areas such as economic functions and social progress, as well as good governance, justice and human rights protection.
While we work toward comprehensive and diverse progress, we also place great emphasis on education and social welfare […] because they form the foundation of strengthened, prosperous and productive societies,” said the Prime Minister.
The government has allocated up to $1 billion for the renovation and construction of schools and kindergartens across the country, Garibashvili noted, emphasizing that investments in health and social care have also been increased. “We are continually improving the quality of these services. “We are determined to ensure the best possible care for all citizens,” he emphasized.