Marjorie Taylor Greene accused of breaking Georgia regulation with questionable tax breaks

MP Marjorie Taylor Greene was accused of violating a Georgian property tax law by illegally seeking tax exemptions for two different homes. Local news broadcaster Channel 2 Action News reports that it has unearthed records showing Greene applied for and received tax breaks on homes in two different counties, despite state law making it clear that homestead exemptions are only allowed for one residence , the primary. Citing a copy of Greene’s homestead applications, Channel 2 reports that her husband simply ignored the line asking if the couple had another exception for homesteads on another property. When asked about the two homestead exemptions, Greene’s office asked the Channel 2 News reporter to mind his own business and called the investigation a “pathetic smear test,” the network said. The penalty for filing more than one homestead tax exemption is double your tax burden. For Greene, this could mean a $ 12,000 fine, according to Channel 2.

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