“I used to be suicidal,” Cardi B tells Georgia Jury in defamation lawsuit

By Rosie Manins (Jan. 13, 2022 at 3:17 p.m. EST) – Cardi B told jurors in her defamation case against a YouTuber Thursday that she had suicidal thoughts over the blogger’s content after taking the stand following a jury’s dismissal for hastily discussing the case.

The rapper, whose real name is Belcalis Almánzar, testified in federal court in Atlanta that she had suicidal thoughts in late 2018 after Georgian blogger Latasha Kebe published lies online about her being a drug-addicted prostitute with herpes.

Cardi B, who sued Kebe and her company Kebe Studios LLC in March 2019, choked back tears as she explained how her mother and husband…

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