New York – New York (AP) – Rudy Giuliani settled on Thursday with two former election workers in Georgia, in a deal with which he can keep his houses and personal objects in return for compensation and promise to never defame them again, said lawyers And the women.
The process should decide the possession of his apartment in Florida and three World Series rings and should start with Giuliani's statement in the morning. But that never happened. All parties in the afternoon have been announced.
The former election workers, Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, had searched for the entire property of Giuliani as part of a slander judgment of 148 million US dollars.
The women gained the slander judgment after saying that Giulianis lies led to death threats about the stolen presidential elections in 2020 that fear for their lives.
In a statement, the women said: “The past four years have been a lively nightmare. We fought to clarify our names, to restore our reputation and to prove that we did nothing wrong. Today is a big milestone on our trip. We have reached an agreement and can now advance our lives. We have agreed to allow Mr. Giuliani to keep his property in exchange for compensation and his promise to never defame us. “
The amount of compensation has not been disclosed.
Giuliani published an explanation on social media and said that he had achieved a resolution that will make the judgment against him.
“This solution does not include any approval of liability or misconduct by one of the parties. I am satisfied and have no complaints about the result we have achieved. I was able to keep my condominiums in New York Coop and Florida and all my personal objects, ”he said.
“Nobody deserves to be exposed to threats, harassment or intimidation. This legal dispute has burdened all parties. This whole episode was unhappy. I and the plaintiffs have agreed to never talk about each other in a different way, and I ask others to do the same, ”said Giuliani.
Giuliani's lawyer, Joseph Cammarata, said outside the court building that the deal has been due to long negotiations in the past three days that went “into the early morning”.
The deal negated the need for a process that was to begin on Thursday morning before the Federal Court of Manhattan, where Giuliani was the first witness. He never came to court. The former election workers in Georgia won the judgment against him.
The 80 -year -old Giuliani was supposed to say in front of the same judge who despised him last week because he had not handed over any information about some of his assets to the women's lawyers. As a punishment, judge Lewis J. Liman Giuliani banned to introduce some evidence.
Giuliani, who served a time as a personal lawyer of the elected President Donald Trump during his first term, was also corrupt at the Presidential Competition 2020 in Washington.
During the waiting Giuliani published a video on social media that shows a dog named Vinny on the site of Trump's Palm Beach, Florida, Estate. The dog who said, said “loves to hang around in Mar-A-Lago”, but is “ready to spend much more time in Washington, DC, and supports Trump. It was not clear when the recording was made became.
The process should not arrange whether Giuliani defamed the women or the amount of the judgment against him. Both are problems that have been decided, but to determine whether they would keep certain valuable assets instead of surrounding them.
Among them was his condominium in Palm Beach, Florida. The former mayor said that he founded a place of residence there in January 2024, but lawyers of the election workers said that he continued to work as if his New York apartment was his apartment until it was derived as part of the judgment in autumn.
There were also three World Series rings that Giuliani gave his son Andrew in 2018.
As part of the business, Andrew Giuliani will keep the rings, said lawyers.
At a recent hearing, Giuliani said that he was “not impoverished”, but had no access to most of his remaining assets.
“Everything I have is captivated. I don't have a car. I don't have a credit card. I have no money. I can't come to bank accounts that would really be mine because they have provided … Stop the orders, for example, in my social security account that you have no right, ”he said.
Giuliani said during a deposition in the past month that George Steinbrenner, the late New York Yankes owner, gave him the rings in 2002, even though he insisted on paying for her, and Steinbrenner: “These are for Andrew.” He said that he immediately gave Andrew to Andrew and kept three more to secure. He estimated their total value of $ 27,000.
Giuliani's total assets are expected to be no more than 10 million US dollars. It is believed that the Palm Beach Condominium is worth more than 3 million US dollars.
He had already given up a New York apartment worth around 5 million US dollars, a Mercedes from 1980, the film star Lauren Bacall, numerous luxury watches and other assets.