Georgian lawmakers are watching and harassing adjustments in HOPE funding

State Senator Brandon Beach, R-Alpharetta, is the lead author of Senate Resolution 36, which aims to give Georgian lawmakers more control over the selection process for most members of the State Board of Regents. Under state law, the governor selects all 19 members. The regents make tuition fees, presidential appointments, and other matters for the 26 colleges and universities of the Georgia university system.

House Bill 259 would provide additional funding for HOPE Scholarships and HOPE Grant-eligible students with annual household incomes less than $ 75,000. The funding, based on a review of the financial standing of each student, would be “the difference between the HOPE award amount and the standard amount of tuition fees for the academic year at the paying institution”. The bill’s main sponsor is Rep. Rhonda Burnough, D-Riverdale.