Georgia Voters To Determine Logging Tools Tax Exemption Nov. 8 – Ballotpedia Information

Georgia voters will decide on November 8 whether to exempt wood equipment from property taxes

The measure would exempt from ad valorem taxes all equipment owned by a timber company and used in the production or harvesting of timber. The House of Representatives passed House Bill 997, which proposed the measure, by a vote of 171 to 0 on March 15. The Senate approved it on March 30 by a vote of 50 to 1. Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed House Bill 997 on May 10 and sent the measure to voters for a vote.

The Georgia Constitution requires that laws exempting property from taxes must be passed by a two-thirds majority in each chamber of the legislature, signed by the governor, and passed by a majority of voters in statewide elections.

In addition to HB 997, on May 10, Kemp signed several conservation, natural resource, hunting and fishing bills into law. Kemp said, “The bills I signed into law will help us treat forestry the same way we treat agriculture, as well as protect hunting, fishing and wildlife sanctuaries and more.” Farm equipment is currently exempt from property taxes.

This measure was the fourth statewide measure allowed for the Nov. 8 vote. Voters are set to pass another statutory state bill to extend the existing farm equipment tax exemption to family-run businesses and extend the exemption to dairy and eggs. Voters will also pass two constitutional amendments:

  • an amendment to suspend pay for certain officers if they are suspended from office on felony charges, and
  • an amendment that allows local governments to grant temporary tax breaks to certain properties that have been damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster.

Georgia voters passed 84 statewide measures from 1996 through 2020, averaging seven per election and ranging from two to 12. Voters approved 71 (84.5%) and disapproved 13 (15.5%).

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