Georgia State Consultant, The Georgia Justice Undertaking, Hosted Early Termination Symposium – Decaturish

Decatur, GA – Georgia State Representative Angela Moore, who represents District 90, and the Georgia Justice Project are hosting a free public early termination symposium on Saturday, November 13, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Community Achievement Center, 4522 Flat Shoals Road of probation in Decatur.

To register for the symposium, click here.

The symposium informs, instructs and supports the probation officers in criminal offenses on how they can shorten their probation periods. Senate Law 105 will reduce the number of Georgians serving long suspended sentences. The new law advocated by the Georgia Justice Project clearly defines the process for ending a criminal probation period, according to a press release.

To be eligible for early termination of a suspended sentence, a person must

– must have served at least three years of suspended sentence;

– have paid all the refunds included in the penalty;

– The probation officer should have no withdrawals in the past 24 months and

– The probation officer is not allowed to have any new arrests.

Legislation will enable probation officers to create a way to achieve and achieve individual and family goals without the stigma of probation. The Georgia Justice Project attorneys and members will be available at the symposium to provide assistance and voter information.

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