Georgia Home Republicans raised some huge cash in the course of the November particular session

David Perdue, a former US Republican Senator who is running for governor this year against GOP incumbent Brian Kemp, filed a lawsuit last week alleging that the new “leadership committees” were unfair to Kemp Would provide advantage. Kemp Republican challengers are not allowed to form such committees and must adhere to donation limits set by the state ethics committee.

The House Trust plays an important role in funding the House of Representatives Republican campaigns and is credited to the GOP with maintaining control of the House.

Major donors over the past six months include: Donald Leebern III, whose family has long been a major patron of state officials, who donated $ 100,000; the litigator lobby, which contributed $ 75,000; New Car Dealers’ Lobby, fighting attempts by electric car makers to get the General Assembly to allow them to open car dealerships, giving $ 26,000; AT&T, which will benefit greatly from government spending to expand the high-speed Internet, contributing $ 25,000; and tobacco giant Altria, which has been fighting higher government taxes on its products for years and donated $ 25,000.