A month-long Washington Post project to find the best pizza restaurants in each state based on 7.5 million customer reviews submitted to the website Yelp has identified four winners from the Chattanooga area.
› Community Pie, first in Tennessee for its Detroit-style pizza and third for its New York style.
› Paco’s Pizza & Pasta in Manchester, Tennessee, runner-up for its New York pizza.
› Lookout Mountain Pizza Co. in Rising Fawn is the second largest company in Georgia for its Neapolitan pizza.
› Wooden City, third in Tennessee for Neapolitan pizza.
“The idea for a data-driven pizza story has been bouncing around in my head for almost five years,” said Amanda Finnegan, editor of the newspaper’s “By the Way” travel section. “Then Gabe (Hiatt) and I started using the idea of regional pizza styles at the beginning of the year.”