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The law firm can now accept leave of absence via the e-registration system for higher and regional courts.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in an effort to make all filings more efficient, the Clerk's Office has worked diligently to accept as many filings electronically as possible. Fortunately, vacation days have now been added to the allowable amounts.
Please follow these instructions to submit your sheets electronically. Go to https://efilega.tylertech.cloud/ and select Cherokee Supreme Court, regardless of whether you file your lawsuit in state court. Please enter your own as the case number CASH NUMBER. The court's office has set up accounts under the lawyer number for all lawyers who have applied for leave of absence in recent years.
Do not forget to name all relevant contacts as service contacts to whom copies of your leave of absence must be sent. Please also select one WAIVER ACCOUNT under Payment Accounts, therefore no fee will be charged pursuant to OCGA § 15-6-11.
If you receive an error message that the case does not exist, please contact us at [email protected] so that your account can be added. Do not file the LOA on a case-by-case basis as USCR 16 requires notices to be maintained in a chronological file. If you have any questions or need assistance with filing, please contact the clerk's office at 678-493-6511.
We speak English, Afrikaans, Dutch, German and Spanish!
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