Facing Execution at 72, Georgia’s Oldest Death Row Inmate Exposes Death Penalty’s Racist Roots

Facing Execution at 72, Georgia’s Oldest Death Row Inmate Exposes Death Penalty’s Racist Roots

THE FIRST TIME Michael Marcum saw the byline “Brandon Astor Jones,” he was working as a jail commander in San Francisco. It was 1993; Marcum can’t recall what the...

History – Supreme Court of Georgia

  OFFICE OF BAR ADMISSIONS The Supreme Court has the duty of setting standards for the admission of attorneys to the practice of law in Georgia. In keeping with this obligation,...
Northern District of Georgia |  The exam room

Northern District of Georgia | The exam room

Federal judges are often asked to interpret laws and legislative history and to give meaning to legislative ambiguities. So it can be argued that the system benefits from...

The Georgia Supreme Courtroom will rule on the Duke’s protection

ATLANTA (WALB) - The Georgia Supreme Court overturned a ruling by an Irwin County court that the Georgia Indigent Defense Act does not provide the pro bono attorney who...

Going through Execution at 72, Georgia’s Oldest Loss of life Row Inmate Exposes Loss...

THE FIRST TIME Michael Marcum saw the byline “Brandon Astor Jones,” he was working as a jail commander in San Francisco. It was 1993; Marcum can’t recall what the...

Georgian choose Mack Crawford, responsible of theft, resigns from the financial institution

As a private attorney, Crawford represented two clients in 2002 who had $ 15,675 on court register while their foreclosure proceedings were pending. In 2009, a judge dismissed...

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Implementation of sheets Riley Act in Georgia and the USA could be hindered by...

The federal law of Laks Riley was the first law of President Donald Trump in his second term. It expands the scope of crimes...

Topgolf workers say that the venue in Georgia did not pay their tips

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