Annual Report – US Senator for Georgia Jon Ossoff

On January 20, 2021, I took the oath of office to represent Georgia in the US Senate.

Every day since then, I have tried to serve our state with excellence, humility, and a relentless focus on results.

Here are some of those results:

In my first year, we passed a historic bipartisan infrastructure bill—long overdue and the most significant American infrastructure investment in generations.

This bipartisan infrastructure bill—now law—will modernize mass transit, rail, roads, bridges, seaports and airports across Georgia.

It will enable an unprecedented investment in broadband internet access for rural and low-income communities.

It includes provisions that I have campaigned for to remove lead pipes from our drinking water systems. It will build EV charging infrastructure across our state. And it’s investing in the resilience of Georgia’s coastline, helping local communities prepare for storm surges, coastal flooding and tropical storms.

The COVID relief laws we passed at the height of the pandemic provided economic support for families and small businesses, empowered Georgia’s hospitals and health clinics with hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency resources, provided over $4 billion for Georgia’s public schools, and provided life-saving supplies COVID-19 measures safe. 19 vaccinations were free and available to every Georgian.

The Senate passed my bipartisan bills to reduce violence, crime and civil rights abuses in prisons and to help communities fight the opioid epidemic. My law to assist communities in planning public transit systems passed Congress and became law. And the US House of Representatives passed my bills to boost American solar production and make solar more affordable for families and businesses.

I intervened in an international trade dispute that threatened one of the most significant economic projects in Georgia’s history and brokered a deal between two Korean industrial giants to secure the $2.6 billion electric vehicle battery plant in Commerce, Georgia, and the thousands of jobs , which will manage to save in our state.

And I’ve represented Georgia and our state’s values ​​on the world stage, spearheaded Senate efforts to speed up a ceasefire during last spring’s brutal war in Israel and the Palestinian territories, and lobbied global automakers for more investment in Georgia. Semiconductors, batteries and clean energy technologies.

I have worked to advance civil rights and voting rights causes by authoring a landmark electoral law — the Right to Vote Act — that would establish the first legal guarantee of voting rights for American citizens. My bill empowers citizens to challenge in court any policy that restricts voting access for eligible voters, and I will continue to fight to ensure every American voter has equal access to the ballot.

I will continue to be a champion for those who serve and have served. I have worked to hold private contractors, the Pentagon, and the VA accountable for substandard housing, pollution that endangers the health of military personnel, and incompetence in the service of Georgia veterans.

I have campaigned for anti-corruption measures, pushed efforts to ban stock trading by congressmen – despite objections from some members of my own party – and am a co-supporter of legislation banning secret political campaign funds.

Meanwhile, I continue to turn down political contributions from lobbyists and corporate PACs. I don’t work for them or for any political party. I only work for you.

My team and I have provided constituent services to thousands of Georgians — we’ve helped veterans secure the benefits they deserve defending our country, we’ve helped seniors access Medicare and Social Security, we’ve helped small businesses access helped with COVID relief, we solved passport and visa problems for voters and much more. We are here for you, but we can help you.

These are challenging times.

COVID continues to take a terrible toll, affecting our lives and economies. Our polarized politics and culture threaten to overwhelm our commitment to one another as fellow Americans and people.

But we must and will master these challenges together.

America remains on a path toward ever-fuller realization of its founding ideals as long as we do not allow our political divisions to tear us apart.

It is an honor for us to represent you as we face the challenges of our time together.

However, do not hesitate to contact me whenever I can be of any assistance.

— Senator Jon Ossoff