Governor’s proposal
behavioral health and developmental disabilities
Adult Addiction Services
Provided funding for a 10 percent increase in core addiction services
Adult Development Disability Services
Increase funds to extrapolate the cost of 100 New Options Waiver (NOW) and Comprehensive Supports Waiver Program (COMP) slots for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on an annual basis.
Increase funding for 100 additional places in the New Options Waiver (NOW) and Comprehensive Supports Waiver Program (COMP) for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
adult mental health services
Increased funding for the Georgia Housing Voucher Program to meet the requirements of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Settlement Agreement.
Increased funding to convert an existing 16-bed crisis stabilization unit in Augusta into a 24-bed behavioral health crisis center with 16 temporary observation chairs.
Increased funding for the operational costs of 13 additional beds in the Crisis Stabilization Unit at the Bradley Center of St Francis Hospital.
Allocate funds for a 10% increase in core mental health services.
Provide funding to enable Medicaid reimbursement for psychiatric and behavioral health care services
Increased funding for three additional assisted outpatient care (AOT) programs.
Trust fund for those in need
Increase funding to provide government compensation for Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments for private qualifying and non-private hospitals.
Medicaid – aged, blind and disabled
Provide funds for Medicaid reimbursement of clinical trials.
Medicaid – Low Income Medicaid
Increase funding to implement Express Lane Registration in accordance with passage of HB 163 (2021 session).
Provide funds to eliminate attestation and reimburse all vendors at increased rates for all 108 procedure codes.
Increase funding to provide year-long postpartum coverage, effective upon approval by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
Providing funds for Medicaid reimbursement for therapeutic services.
Providing funds for Medicaid reimbursement of psychiatric and behavioral health management services.
Provide funds for Medicaid reimbursement of clinical trials.
Provide funds for Medicaid reimbursement for donor milk.
Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce: Graduate Medical Education
Increase in funds for 136 new specialist positions in family medicine.
Provided funding for a pilot program to perform echocardiograms in pregnant and postpartum women to combat maternal mortality.
Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce: Mercer School of Medicine Grant
Increased funding for the third year of the seven-year plan for the Mercer School of Medicine’s Columbus medical school campus.
Agricultural Education
Increase funding to offset cuts in austerity measures for Area Teacher Program, Extended Day/Year, Young Farmers and Youth Camps.
Non-Quality Basic Education Formula Grants
Increase formula funds for inpatient treatment facilities based on attendance.
Increase in funds to adjust the state base pay scale to increase salaries for certified teachers and certified staff by $2,000 effective September 1, 2022 for inpatient treatment facilities.
Increase funds for a 5.4% raise.
Services for the preschool disabled
Increase in funds to adjust the state base salary schedule to increase salaries for certified teachers and certified staff by $2,000 effective September 1, 2022.
Increase funding to offset grant savings cut.
student transportation
Increase funds for a 5.4% raise.
Quality basic education program
Increase in funds to adjust the state base salary schedule to increase salaries for certified teachers and certified staff by $2,000 effective September 1, 2022.
Increase funds to offset austerity measures on K-12 education.
Regional Education Services
Increase funding to offset cut in grant austerity to RESAs.
Technology/Vocational Education
Increase funding to offset cuts in extended days/years austerity measures, professional regulators, industry certification and youth training programs.
Capital Expenditure Program – Small amount of funds for on-site school construction nationwide.
Capital Expenditure Program – Additional small assets for on-site school construction nationwide.
Capital Expenditure Program – Periodically used to build local schools across the state.
Investment Program – Regular advance payment for on-site school construction across the country.
Purchase vocational, technical and agricultural training equipment nationwide.
Construction and improvements at the FFA/FCCLA Center and Camp John Hope, Covington, Newton County.
human services
child welfare services
Provide funding for a Community Action Team pilot program to reach out to children who are in or at risk of being placed in foster care.
Provided funding for a pilot program to detect autism in Region 12.
Provide funds for autism relief care.
care outside the home
Provide funding for a 10 percent increase in the provider rate for child care facilities, child placement agencies, foster parents and dependents. (Total Fund: $31,487,817)
Use $6,700,000 in existing funds to improve the continuum of care including preventive and therapeutic services, in addition to reaching out to youth with complex needs.
Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency: Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Provision of funds for capital maintenance and repairs
juvenile court
community service
Increase funding to reflect the loss of Title IV-E funding related to the implementation of the October 1, 2021 Family First Prevention Services Act and the statewide transition to more family-based placement settings.
Increase funding for room, board and vigilant oversight to reflect loss of Federal funding under Title IV-E.
Health promotion of adolescents and adults
Provided funding for a comprehensive care management pilot for high-risk pregnancy populations
Improving the emergency preparedness/trauma system
Increased funding to expand the Georgia Regional Coordinating Center’s efforts to coordinate emergency department capacity statewide.
Combating Infectious Diseases
Increase funding to address the lack of federal funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) per state compliance requirement in the Ryan White Care Act Title II Award.
Increased funding for the third year of a three-year pilot project on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at risk of HIV following the passage of HB 290 (2019 session).
Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission
Increase funds to reflect FY2021 reinstatement fees.
Allocate $13,594,359 in state general funds as the Trauma Care Network Trust Fund, increasing funds to reflect Fiscal Year 2021 Super Speeder Collections per HB 511 (2021 Session).