A white Georgia employee is on trial for the actions of a black boss

March 3, 2022 at 10:01 p.m

  • May have been treated worse than a similar black colleague
  • Court cites evidence of boss’s biased comments, pull it in with HR

A white crane operator at the Georgia Ports Authority may have evidence that his black manager’s racial bias and human resources influence caused his firing, the Eleventh Circuit ruled Thursday.

The evidence of the clash between William Jenkins and Karl Nell, his former boss, is mostly disputed, the court said. That includes what happened between them after Jenkins scheduled a meeting with human resources over Nell’s denial of his weekend leave request, the court said.

But a jury could find credible that Nell harbored discriminatory animus toward Jenkins, the court said. Also, that Nell’s alleged boast…

A white Georgia employee is on trial for the actions of a black boss

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